"More of your conversation would infect my brain." -William Shakespeare in Coriolanus Act II, scene i

Friday, February 23, 2007

Where Exactly IS Waldo???

{There was a conversation about where you could get things shipped, which brought about 2 posts, but since they are both uttered by the same girl, and involve the same topic, I am going to lump them together.}

Guy: You can too get ground shipping to Alaska, you just drive through Canada.
Girl: Ugh. No you can't....you are so stupid. Alaska isn't in this country!!!
Guy: Yes it is...so is Hawaii.
Girl: I have been to Hawaii, and Alaska is farther south than Hawaii...I would know, I've been there. It is right down there near Mexico, and it is in a different country, because it has a box around it. Stupid.

That conversation led to a geography quiz for the girl, who decided she didn't want to play after not knowing the difference between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, even after having been to Hawaii, in it's own little box....hmmmmm....

1 comment:

r. burns said...

Can you believe the hits?!? I've watched them explode from 2 unique hits when I first posted this afternoon.