"More of your conversation would infect my brain." -William Shakespeare in Coriolanus Act II, scene i

Friday, February 02, 2007

Maybe I Will!

Girl: [to boy who's complaining] If I were you, I'd just go home and cut myself.
- Honors Geometry


Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's not me...

maggini in tweed said...

oh my...
Was I missed on Thursday?
I better have been, but the kittens are surely better for it.

maggini in tweed said...

It's quite lonely when poor Sarah can't make comments. It's just you and me, rachel. and sometimes friend!
It just dumped snow here again...so exciting!

Anonymous said...

I've a warm fuzzy feeling, despite the snow, knowing I'm missed. ...more snow tonight...

maggini in tweed said...

yes...i'd have that warm fuzzy feeling if it wasn't so freaking cold in our basement here...[hace mucho frio...;) thanks, sf]