"More of your conversation would infect my brain." -William Shakespeare in Coriolanus Act II, scene i

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Five Months of Eavesdroppers

Today is the five month birthday of Eavesdroppers! Just in time, we reached 4,000 hits last night. We hope that you'll help us keep it up. Each month, we're getting a bigger and bigger fan base. Hopefully we can continue to grow...with your help. Tell your friends! Post it on your website! Visit regularly!
Also, we've recently added About Eavesdroppers, a site that tells all about the history of Eavesdroppers and answers common questions. This is also a place where you can contribute anything you might have overheard, which will help us post even more.
I suppose that I should include the usual stats...[they are at the time of my post]:
Total page views: 4,103
Total Unique Visitors: 1,701
Total Posts: 217
For the last month we've been getting 75 or more visitors almost every day...we've gone over 100 quite a few times now. Help us keep this up! Also remember that you can always view the latest stats here.

Eavesdrop on...

1 comment:

r. burns said...

How exciting! Fresh month, fresh template. It needs tweaking, though. (Help me!!)