"More of your conversation would infect my brain." -William Shakespeare in Coriolanus Act II, scene i

Monday, June 30, 2008

A Most Evil Plot

"Okay, so everyone always says that at the center of the Earth there's a core. No, there's not. What's actually there is this one HUGE spider called the Mother Spider. And that's where all the spiders in the world come from. And this Mother Spider sends out her smallest children...her Scouts...to try to find me so that the bigger spiders can come and eat me. So whenever you see a spider around me, you have to kill it. Cuz if I kill it, the spiders will smell my scent on the crime scene and they'll know that I did it and they'll hate me even more. And if you don't kill the little Scout spiders that come for me, the bigger ones will come and eat us ALL! This is true...really. I couldn't make this up. No...I WOULDN'T make this up."
-Walking to Breakfast


Anonymous said...

You are a weird!

Anonymous said...

i think weird is an adjective. so you probably should have put some sort of noun at the end of that sentence. like pickle. or sock. although that doesn't make much sense either.