[...a wrestling fan to our dearest 'Sandwich Friend'...]
Wrestling Girl: You're wearing purple pants!!
Sandwich Friend:Yeah, I'm wearing purple pants, you got a problem with it? Maybe I have a problem with you. You're shirt has a very muscular man on it, that's gross.
Wrestling Girl: Yeah, but he's hot.
For more information on 'Sandwich Friend', see a few of our former posts.
I just realized this title has already been used. So sorry. The exciting part? We're well on our way to 100 posts and 1000 hits!
yay again!
We have surpassed (with hits and posts) the blogs of all of our contributors. Well...except mr. offshelf with his fancy little paper blog...tuh.
I posted on lemon drops though. Check it out. I'm averaging like...5 hits a day...;(
As opposed to an average of about 15 on here...
too many elipses!
At the pants weren't...;)
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