"More of your conversation would infect my brain." -William Shakespeare in Coriolanus Act II, scene i

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Who's absent now?

[Teacher is taking roll. She gets to the name of Guy Who Skips School A Lot]
Teacher: [doesn't look up] Of course he's not here. Why come to school if you already think you know everything? What an i---
Guy Who Skips School A Lot: Ummm...I'm right here.
-Spanish II


Anonymous said...

Yep... that sounds like Teacher.

That makes me want to poke her in the eye.

And she made me rip my book...

Which makes me want to kick her in the teeth....

Anonymous said...

I believe that friend says enough for both of us.

Anonymous said...

She actually did this to the poor guy twice, but the second time wasn't as funny...;)