"More of your conversation would infect my brain." -William Shakespeare in Coriolanus Act II, scene i

Thursday, August 30, 2007

"Africa's a continent, honey."

[The class has learned that two exchange students from Ethiopia will be joining us for class, two girls are then talking about it.]

Girl 1: Ethiopia and Africa are the same.
Girl 2: No they're not. [Teacher], tell her that Ethiopia and Africa are two different countries!!
Girl 3: Africa's a continent, honey.
Teacher: Yes, she's right. Ethiopia is a nation.
Girl 2: What?



maggini in tweed said...

speaking of such...have you seen the video of the beauty pageant about a week ago? The girl was asked why 1/5 of americans can't find their country on a map...her answer was hilarious. I would have eavesdropped it if I had been there.

r. burns said...

Yes, I saw it. I was watching the pageant with Katherine, in fact. How embarassing.

maggini in tweed said...

I just saw the clip on the news.
And then we watched it in Psych today at the end of class.

r. burns said...

I suppose Chamberlain's comments were quite great/

maggini in tweed said...

Yes. :)