"More of your conversation would infect my brain." -William Shakespeare in Coriolanus Act II, scene i

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

That concept works for most things.

[First day back to class. Ugh.]
Student: Where's your robot?
Teacher: It died.
Student: Robots can't die!!
Teacher: [evil grin] They can if you crush them...
- World Civilizations


Anonymous said...

Heh. This sounds like a Mr. C-ism. Who teaches that class, Tweed?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes.
Right you are.

Anonymous said...

"This is the world. This is a penguin, a penguin who's on the bottom of the world..."

Anonymous said...

And this is the Ching family, from Beijing. One side of their house is one the right side of the map. One house is on the left. Every day they make the miraculous journey across the continuum of the gap in the map.
The Chings, in the Twilight Zone.